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Maggot House is low brow
D.I.Y. punk.

Puking up minute-long homages to old school punk, Maggot House is lowbrow, low budget, punk. Born of a whisky-fueled love for The Misfits, The Spits, and 80s Horror movies – Maggot House is a D.I.Y. project of Brooklyn-based musician Broose Young.

The debut 4-song EP 'Creeps Unite' was released on October 13th, 2022 followed by a raucous 80s high school-themed music video for the jerky lead single 'Creepnite' featuring your favorite 80s movie clips. 


The bands' second release 'Greetings from Budget Beach" came out  5.31.23. The title track 'Budget Beach' is an ode to the 80s beach movies where outcasts, underdogs, nerds & punks-go-wild. Keep your beach punk!

In October 2023, Maggot House released an UAP & Mutant-themed LP 'How To Talk To Extraterrestrials' featuring ten high-octane tracks. This new release includes the singles. ‘Street Trash’, inspired by the 1987 cult classic b-film. And ‘Crypt Jerk’ about a life of crime working the graveyard shift.

'Too Old To Tour' is a death-ray to the face! The latest release came out 5.31.24 featuring 8 mind-melting tracks about your slimy future. If you only take one album into your fallout shelter this summer, 'Too Old to Tour' is it. 


Radio Focus Tracks:


from 'Creeps Unite'
Oct 13, 2022

'Budget Beach'

From ‘Greetings from Budget Beach’ 
Mar 24 2023


'Street Trash'

from 'How to Talk to Extraterrestrials’ 
Single released Sept 1 2023

'California Greys'

from ‘How to Talk to Extraterrestrials’ 
Oct 13 2023

'Can't Afford The Future'
from 'Too Old To Tour'
May 31 2024

'Gimme The Creeps'

from 'Too Old To Tour'
May 31 2024



Maggot House was born in 1991 on the hard streets of Oakland, PA (down the street from the HoJo). A haven to all the headbangers, punks, weird-o's & art-(kids) of AIP.

Maggot House bred the loudest music, the grittiest comic book art, the slimiest transactions & inspired a shit-ton of creeps to be whoever the fuck they wanted to be. I'm one of those kids. 


Forward on to 2020. Many many light years, punk shows & garage bands later, while writing a minute-long homage to 80s movie C.H.U.D., I realized most everything that comes out of me was inspired by monster movies – so I decided to put out a Halloween themed, synth-punk EP called ‘Creeps Unite’. ‘Subterranean Scum’ was the first song written, inspired by the fantastic b-film ‘C.H.U.D. 


Maggot House is a D.I.Y. gig. I’m the old guys with the Black Flag hat sitting on the sand at Asbury, fully dressed because I scared of sharks and I ain't going in the water.

I'm the old punk in the front row screaming all the lyrics at every The Spits show. (Check their wiki. Somehow I'm there).

I’m the old geek watching the skies for UAPs every night... but as it turns out I'm just on a Newark International flight path. 

I’m the old dude who buys every Crimson Ghost, Glenn or Henry collectable I can afford. On a personal note, although I agree some of them are funny, don’t fuck around with Danzig. I do not like your Danzig-memes. I do not like your kitty litter jokes. 

I'm the old freak riding the crowd at Death Angel. The Bay Strikes Back tour at TLA in Philly. I’m the old guy who caught Covid from high-fiving their lead-singer, Mark Osegueda (I swear that was the moment of contagion).

I’m the old creep with a Fender Jazzmaster & a beat-up synth screeching lyrics into my laptop and having a blast doing it. 


-Broose of Maggot House

Members: Broose

Origin:  Brooklyn, NY


Genres:  Punk, Rock, Garage, 


Years Active:  2020-3000


Distribution:  CDbaby

Fave Food:
Biscuits & Sausage Gravy

Fave Movies:
Return of The Living Dead (1985)
The Video Dead (1987)
Street Trash (1987)
Evil Dead II (1987)
Night of The Demons (1988)
The Ritual (2014)
The Barn (2016)

Songs I wish I would have written:
Eyes Without A Face - Billy Idol

Rock N Roll Machines - The Donnas
I Hate You - The High Beams
Pizza Man - DFL
I Like Brooklyn - The Penetrators

I Know Everything - New Buck Biloxi


Q: What's your favorite scary movie?

I am a Creep!

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